What is Coaching?

What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is strictly a Coaching relationship that supports people to get the most out of life, as in other forms of coaching e.g. sport, drama, and business. A Life Coach will help you to be fully alive in this moment and release any limiting patterns that prevent you from being happy and energised.

A life coach will work with you (and not for you) in the following ways:

  • Challenge you to focus on what is right with you not what is wrong with you.
  • Overcome limitation and perceived barriers.
  • Allow you to let go of the past and learn from your experiences.
  • Clarify your vision and inspire you to live it.
  • Help you to take meaningful action and monitor accountability

Is Life Coaching the same as Counselling?

Although Life Coaching and various counselling modalities aim for the same result of helping people to become, happy, fulfilled and whole, coaching has a unique emphasis that gives it a particular niche.

With coaching the intent is to help the client re-create their life according to a vision or a passion. To do this it is important to focus on the positive rather than the negative. Coaching is therefore present-focused and helps you to identify exactly what is happening for you right now, and then we explore the options that would feel better and would take your life in the direction of a dream or vision.

At this point it is usually fear that stops clients from realising their potential and being who they want to be or doing what they really want to do. I challenge people to face their fears and provide them with practical tools to turn their dreams into a reality.

Coaching is also unique in that I do not give advice. The person is always supported and empowered to find the answers and options that are often hidden within themselves. Engaging a coach will give you objective support and encouragement and help you take action with clarity as well as being made accountable.

I am aware that many counsellors work with these principles. What makes my coaching different is the strong emphasis placed on the fact that you are already whole and okay, and I support you to start to live from this state of mind you let go of the past and live more freely from the present moment to create a brighter future.

Is Life Coaching just Goal setting and Motivation? No, Life’s Abilities Coaching (LAC) works with Vision rather than goals, Potential rather than motivation and Fulfillment rather than material acquisition. LAC has a holistic Philosophy with  coaching services  provided, this means I work with the whole person. Setting goals may be appropriate at times but is not the basis of our coaching work.

What is Holistic Coaching?

Holistic Coaching is an empowering relationship that enables you to create real sustainable change in yourself and your life. Using a holistic awareness-based approach as your coach I will help you identify opportunities and options that will bring greater purpose, clarity and satisfaction.

I will support you in an in-depth exploration of the following 4 elements:

  • The Present: Understand your current status quo and how you got here
  • The future: Create a vision that fulfils you and your potential
  • Barriers: Resolve the issues and patterns that stop you
  • Action: Develop a plan that will take you forward

The Process

The actual coaching is a dynamic interactive experience that is led by you. It is very practical in that it gives you simple effective tools that help you address the elements mentioned above.

I do not give advice. You have all your own answers inside you and the coach’s job is simply to help you identify them, and then make them relevant and workable for you.

You meet with me your coach on a regular basis and I will support you to stay clear with your intent and to step into a greater sense of what is possible. As you progress through the coaching you get the chance to test out and integrate the changes that will take you towards your vision and your dream.


The overall objectives of the coaching can be summarised by the following points:

  • Understand your present situation, its strengths, weaknesses and opportunities
  • Get a clear perspective on your whole life
  • Cultivate a realistic vision that will fulfil you and your potential
  • Enable you to let go of the past
  • Change core beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you
  • Create a plan of action to take you forward


Clients regularly report the following benefits from their coaching:

  • Greater self awareness
  • More clarity about their future and relevant options
  • Increased self confidence
  • Improved relationships, both personal and professional
  • Greater ability to deal with stress
  • Release from repeating sabotage patterns
  • More energy, purpose and enthusiasm for life
  • Better communication in all areas
  • A practical plan for moving forward.

I am a straight talker, and what you see is what you get. My non judgemental and empathetic approach, my no-nonsense pragmatism, my deep respect for you as a person, and my sense of humour, all combine to make me a relaxed and committed practitioner.


Introductory Session

It is very, VERY important that you find the right coach for you. For this reason, I offer a complimentary introductory session.

There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain. If we do team up to work together, the sky’s the limit!